So my dad stopped by at the Verhage's show to chat and I think he was all stressed out that I wasn't making any sales, because he offered me $100 to buy my little spice rack with all my witches potions.
"What the heck are you going to do with potions?" I asked.
"I need something to go over my toilet in the bathroom." He said.
Dear, dear Dad....well, I convinced him that he didn't need to buy the thing (although it would have been nice to sell it, there's something to be said about STRANGERS buying your stuff). I told him I'd make hime some special antique bottles and a rack just for him. After some talk I discovered he was remembering all these old elixer bottles my grandma rozen kept in a cabinet above her potty at the old farmhouse in North Star, Mi.
I found some old labels and affixed them onto some antique bottles (liver pills, elixers, balm,) and then I went to work making some special items just for him!
My dad is short. Not as short as I am but def. not tall. I think this one is going to be a regular in my collection.
Apparently Grandma Rozen gave my dad Castor Oil all the time, for everything.
Skip this if you have a weak stomach: my dad likes to call diahrrea the "screamers". this item is also "garanteed" which he also enjoys saying....over and ya dad
Is my dad the only person that calls a prostate a "prostrate"??? We make fun of him all the time.
Rozen Pharmaceuticals
Love this! Karie you are so creative! ~ Leona B-I